I had a brilliant fortnight interviewing, filming and generally following the wonderful volunteers of Manchester International Festival. Myself and Jim Dawson are working to make a film that shows the festival through the eyes of the volunteer, the best perspective as far are they (and we) are concerned. The festival couldn’t happen without the volunteers, and working with them has made me realise how crucial they are, not only to MIF but to so many events across the city. In the words of one volunteer the city ‘comes alive’ during festivals like these, and it’s a love of the city and maintaining it as a cultural centre of the UK, that seems to bring people in their hundreds to give up their time to make it all possible.
- About
- Projects
- DISRUPT // Brighter Sound
- The Anvil, Hopers // MIF and Reclaim
- Peterloo 2019 // PHM
- The Lost Years // Dunham Massey, National Trust
- We’re Here Because We’re Here // 14-18 NOW
- Play with the Park // The Whitworth
- Sefton Young Carers // Collective Encounters
- The Big Wild Rumpus // The Whitworth
- The Right to Make Art
- The Ghost Train // Royal Exchange
- EADS // Working Together
- Sacred Sounds Women’s Choir // Showcase
- Showreel // Annie Woodson
- The Web School // Primary Workshops
- Jodrell Bank Calling // AND and BFI
- Backstage? Me? // Royal Exchange Theatre
- The Coal Boat // MA in Visual Anthropology
- Personal Museums // National Football Museum
- Build the Truce // The Imperial War Museum
- New York Morning // Elbow
- A Little Girl // The Royal Exchange
- I Will Not Chew // Grind Outs
- Before the Party // Almeida Theatre
- Objectage // Curriculum Plus
- From Coal to Cornflakes // Curriculum Plus
- Backstage? Me? // The Royal Exchange
- A Doll’s House // The Royal Exchange
- Music Takes Me Up // Mr Scruff
- Services No Longer Required // IWM North
- Fly Boy Blue // Elbow
- An Eye for an Eye
- Blog